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    Class Start Date Field

Class Start Date Field


Employment Class refers to one or more positions which are sufficiently similar in duties and responsibilities. These positions can have the same schedule of pay applied, with equity to all positions in the class, based on the same (or substantially the same) employment conditions.

For NEW PAFs, the Class Start Date field will automatically populate with the Effective Date. For all employment groups, if the employee has more than one assignment and the Job Title is exactly the same, then the Class Start Date should be the same for each assignment.

This field will be completed by the HRS Employment team (


Administration Positions

  1. The Class Start Date changes when the employee is promoted to non-interim director, head, or dean. If an academic administrative appointment is changed back to a non-administrative appointment (i.e. dean to professor), the class date should revert back to the date the employee received their last academic ranking.
  2. If an interim assignment (i.e., Assignment Status is "Interim"), then do not change the Class Start Date. If the interim appointment Assignment Status changes to "Active Assignment", the Class Start Date should be updated.

Faculty Positions

  1. The Class Start Date changes whenever the position title changes.
  2. The Class Start Date changes when moving from temporary to another appointment status type, or vice a versa (i.e., "Temporary" to "Term", etc.).
  3. The Class Start Date changes when the academic rank changes.

Merit Positions

  1. The Class Start Date changes when the job code changes.

P&S Positions

  1. The Class Start Date changes when the pay grade changes.