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  • PAF System Support

    PAF was Rejected for Incorrect Effective Date

PAF was Rejected for Incorrect Effective Date


When a PAF has been rejected for an incorrect Effective Date, or an incorrect University ID (UID), another PAF needs to be created. The PAF System is designed to capture the employee's UID and then based on the Effective Date of the PAF, it pulls the data from e-Business Suite as of that date. All the PAF fields are based on the Effective Date, therefore if a change needs to occur to this date, another PAF needs to be created in order to re-pull the new data.

Special Note

Since the original (i.e., incorrect) PAF will no longer be used, type the "rejected" reason in the Additional Assignment Information field on the Assign tab of the newly-created PAF. The additional information provided in this field will inform the PAF Approvers why the second PAF was needed.