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  • PAF System Support

    Organization Field

Organization Field


Selecting the appropriate organization (i.e., department) is critical in the creation of the PAF and drives many of the list of value options in several of the PAF fields (e.g., Position Title, Supervisor, etc.) and the PAF workflow. The PAF Preparer should select the organization where the position is located, which typically is also the department where the PAF is originating.

For SPC, SMR, AWD, BNP, and INT PAFs the organization should reflect where the work is being conducted, not necessarily the employee's home department or the organization which is paying for the work. For example, the PAF Preparer would select "Communication & Media" on a SPC PAF if a faculty member conducts a weekend seminar for this department, even though the faculty member normally works in Languages & Literatures, or even though the work is being funded by the Provost Office.

When creating a SPC PAF select the employee's primary assignment, even if the work was completed for the second assignment. Retirement benefits are assigned to the primary assignment and could potentially be impacted with this payment type. Then on the SPC Pay tab, select the organization for which the work is being assigned.