Really Simple Syndication (RSS) provides an easy way for you to read the latest postings from your favorite UNI websites. RSS is a web feed data format used for providing users with frequently updated content.
Identify RSS Feeds on HRS Web Pages
RSS feeds available for subscription on HRS web pages are indicated by the small orange RSS icon.Subscribe to an RSS Feed
RSS feeds are accessible through a variety of platforms and devices. For specific information, please see the list below for the steps and applications to help you stream the your favorite UNI RSS feeds.- Subscribe to News Feeds on Mozilla Thunderbird:
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-subscribe-news-feeds-and-blogs - Subscribe to an RSS Feed with Microsoft applications:
https://support.office.com/en-US/Article/Subscribe-to-an-RSS-Feed-4f21fd... - Stay connected with apps for your Andriod mobile device:
https://play.google.com/store/search?q=rss+reader&c=apps - Stay connected with apps for your Apple mobile device:
List of HRS RSS Feeds
- Latest News & Events: http://www.uni.edu/hrs/latestnews.xml
- Employee Well-being Latest News & Events: http://www.uni.edu/hrs/latestnews/well-being.xml