Medicare Retiree

If you are retired and enrolled in a UNI or State of Iowa health plan, Medicare Parts A and B will become the primary insurance for you and/or your spouse/domestic partner on the first of the month when you turn age 65. However, if your 65th birthday falls on the first day of the month, then Medicare Parts A and B should be effective on the first day of the preceding month. If you continue your health plan in retirement, it will continue as a Medicare carve-out policy with the same benefits and will pay secondary to Medicare Parts A and your current health insurance will continue to provide you prescription drug coverage. If you are a State of Iowa retiree, you may wish to explore the possibility of enrolling in SilverScript, the Medicare Part D plan that coordinates on pharmacy coverage with the State of Iowa health plan for a further reduced Wellmark monthly premium. In order to get the lowest possible Wellmark premium, all Medicare-eligible dependents must enroll in SilverScript.

If you get benefits from Social Security, you will automatically get Medicare Parts A and B. Your Medicare card will be mailed to you about three (3) months before your 65th birthday. Upon receipt, send a copy of your Medicare card to UNI so they may update your records.

If you are not receiving Social Security benefits, you will need to sign up for Parts A and B. You should contact your local Social Security Administration office three (3) months before you turn age 65 to sign up for Medicare Parts A and B. Upon receipt, send a copy of your Medicare card to UNI so they may update your records.

‌Wherever conflicts occur between the contents of this site and the contracts, rules, regulations, or laws governing the administration of the various programs, the terms set forth in the various program contracts, rules, regulations, or laws shall prevail. Space does not permit listing all limitations and exclusions that apply to each plan. Before using your benefits, review the plan's coverage manual. Benefits provided can be changed at any time without the consent of participants.