Manager Checklist for Work Injuries or Illness

All workplace injuries or illnesses should be reported ideally within 24 hours to be sure the claim is processed in a timely manner. Please review this checklist to assist you with facilitating the workers' compensation process for your employee.

Questions may be directed to the Leave & Accommodations Coordinator at or 319-273-6164.


  • Complete the First Report of Injury (FROI) online. Password to access the survey: froi
  • Unless emergency care is necessary, contact Occupational Health to pre-authorize treatment for the employee.
    • Call 319-575-5600 to provide them with the necessary employee information; OR
    • Fill out a Pre-authorization form and send with the employee to the clinic.
  • The employee may use the Occupational Injury Temporary Prescription ID Card to cover first fill prescriptions. The employee should give the pharmacy their social security number if asked for a nine-digit ID.

Work Status

  • Determine if any work restrictions can be accommodated safely or if the employee will need to be off work.
  • Contact the Leave & Accommodations Coordinator in HRS about the employee’s return to work status.
  • Forward any medical documentation given to you by the employee to HRS so we may add it to their medical file.

Missed Work Time and Pay

  • Employees should be paid as normal for any missed work time on the day of injury or illness.
  • Work time missed after the day of injury due to continued medical treatment or inability to accommodate work restrictions should be submitted as Sick Time Off with the Work Comp (Sick/Injury) reason on the employee's absence calendar in UNI Works.
  • After three days of missed work or continuing medical treatment equating to three missed work days, employees will submit additional time off requests as Excused Work Comp Time in UNI Works.
  • Keep in contact with HRS regarding the employee’s work restrictions and your ability to accommodate until they are fully released and their work comp claim is closed.

Additional information regarding the workers’ compensation process can be found on the Human Resource Services website.

‌Wherever conflicts occur between the contents of this site and the contracts, rules, regulations, or laws governing the administration of the various programs, the terms set forth in the various program contracts, rules, regulations, or laws shall prevail. Space does not permit listing all limitations and exclusions that apply to each plan. Before using your benefits, review the plan's coverage manual. Benefits provided can be changed at any time without the consent of participants.