
The annual reduced operations period offers an opportunity for the university to maximize energy savings during a routinely lower level of campus activity and results in energy cost savings. This year's reduced operations period is Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024 through Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025. This period includes three university holidays (Dec 24, 25, and Jan 1), four weekend days and five business days (Dec 23, 26, 27, 30, and 31).

Units providing critical services such as Public Safety and Facilities Management operations (power plant, maintenance, custodial, grounds, transportation) will remain operational. Department heads and directors should consult with their dean or division head to determine the necessary operational level for their offices/units. Departments are encouraged to take advantage of the reduced operations period by limiting unit coverage and/or allowing for remote work options where feasible. Daytime building temperatures will generally run cooler, so departments maintaining on site staff for all or part of the reduced operations period should contact Facilities Management by December 8 at 273-4400 to request a temperature adjustment.

Each unit must incorporate a minimum of managing and communicating the department's message retrieval and response protocol for any dates the office will not be open to the public during the reduced operations period.

If an employee doesn't request an absence for their regularly scheduled work day, due consideration should be given to permit them to work remotely or on-site where feasible, even if the unit is not open to the public. Contact Human Resource Services at hrs-mail@uni.edu or 273-2422 if you have questions.

Reduced Operations Office Checklist

  1. Update main voicemail greetings to include an emergency contact number.
  2. Set an automatic email vacation response.
  3. Make necessary arrangements for staff who will be working.
  4. Update departmental/office website.
  5. Turn off electronic devices and office lights to conserve energy.

Voicemail Greeting Examples

Individual Voice Mail

Hello. You have reached [Insert employee name here] in the [Insert department name here] office at UNI. I will be out of the office from [insert day of the week, month, date] through [insert day of the week, month, date]. Please leave a message and I will return your call on [insert day of the week, month, date]. If you require assistance prior to [month, date], hang up and dial our main departmental number at 273-[insert phone number here]. The main departmental voice mail will be checked daily on Dec. 23, 26, 27, 30, and 31. Return calls will be made if an immediate response is needed.

Reception Voice Mail

Hello. You have reached the [Insert department name here] department at UNI. The office is closed from Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024 through Wednesday Jan. 1, 2025. For information on our services, please visit our website at [Insert web address here]. If you require assistance prior to Jan. 1, please leave a message. This voice mail will be checked daily on Dec. 23, 26, 27, 30, and 31. Our office will re-open on Tuesday, Jan. 2.

Facilities Management

Facilities Management will be staffed with personnel to operate the University's buildings during reduced operations and will look for opportunities to conserve energy through this period.

Unless noted below, building temperature/ventilation will remain on unoccupied (setback) mode throughout the reduced operations period.

  • Rod Library, Biology Research Complex, McCollum Science Hall, Russell Hall, Human Performance Center, and portions of Gilchrist Hall (Public Safety) will not be reduced.

Generally, daytime temperatures in the buildings during the period of reduced operations could vary from warmer to cooler than usual. Faculty and staff should dress accordingly. Departments maintaining on-site staff for all or part of the reduced operations period should contact Facilities Management at 273-4400 to request a temperature adjustment by December 8. Department personnel are asked to turn off lights, computers, printers and other equipment not required during the reduced operations period. Custodial service will be provided to common areas, restrooms and entrances in buildings where normal operations are continued. Service may occur on an alternate shift.

Mail Service

The Mail Center will not make regular deliveries December 26 through December 31, but will be open until Noon and mail will be sorted and available to departments that wish to pick up mail. Employees picking up mail must provide photo identification. The Mail Center will not deliver FedEx, UPS and other express mail packages unless space is needed on the Central Receiving dock. Departments may pick up packages these days until Noon at Warehouse I, located on 27th Street, but should call first to confirm the expected package has arrived.