Adverse Weather
The Weather/Working Conditions policy (4.07) indicates the University will generally maintain a regular schedule during periods of severe weather. Faculty and staff have the opportunity to make their own decision about reporting to work with due consideration for travel safety conditions. Exempt staff (those who do not complete a timecard) would typically record a weather-related absence in UNI Works using accrued vacation or unpaid time off (Time Off > Unpaid) unless other arrangements have been made with their manager.
Non-exempt staff (those who complete a weekly timecard) should work with their manager for weather-related absences to determine their ability to make up missed time during the same work week (Sunday to Saturday). For time unable to be made up, accrued vacation or earned compensatory time may be used, if available, or unpaid time off (Time Off > Unpaid) may be elected through an absence request in UNI Works.
- Questions related to policy 4.07 Weather/Working Conditions or policy 4.15 FLSA, Overtime and Compensatory Time may be directed to HRS by email at or 319-273-2422.
- Questions related to Absence Requests in UNI Works may be directed to or 319-273-2162, option 2.
- The Weather Information page provides useful resources related to inclement weather.
- Weather related cancellations or delays will be announced on the UNI home page in red text and in the "Featured News" section.
Please be sure to communicate other relevant departmental procedures or expectations related to adverse weather as appropriate.
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