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Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Reimbursable Wellness Expenses

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Reimbursable Wellness Expenses

Administered By ASIFlex

Certain wellness expenses may be reimbursable through your FSA. Biometric Screenings are eligible expenses as health screens. Weight loss programs, gym membership, and fitness programs are 'potentially eligible expenses.' This means the costs of programs and memberships may be reimbursable expenses through your Health Care Flexible Spending Account.

Biometric Screenings

Additional biometric screening participation or participation in additional blood tests for the biometric screening that require an 'out-of-pocket' cost are eligible expenses as a 'Health Screen.' Verification of payment and service can be provided for FSA submission by request at the biometric screening.

Weight Loss Programs, Gym Memberships, & Fitness Classes

All 'potentially eligible expenses' require a letter of medical necessity from your health care provider in order to be considered eligible for reimbursement. The letter must include the diagnosis for which you, or your spouse or dependent are being treated, along with specific information on how the product or service is intended to alleviate symptoms or improve function. The letter will remain on file with ASIFlex one year from the date written.*

*Flexible spending accounts require an active open enrollment each year. The letter of medical necessity would need to be resubmitted each year for continued use toward the expense.

Not Reimbursable:

  • Diet food products and beverages are not reimbursable regardless if the weight loss program is reimbursable (e.g. WW membership may be reimbursable with a letter of medical necessity, but WW food products are not).
  • Weight loss programs, gym memberships, or fitness programs without letter of medical necessity.
  • Weight loss programs, gym memberships, or fitness programs without enrollment in a flexible spending account.
  • Biometric Screenings paid for in full by the university. Weight loss programs paid for in full by the university.

View the ASIFlex webpage for additional information on eligible flex spending expenses. Visit our FSA webpage for additional information on Flexible Spending Accounts, including how to sign-up.