Hiring Academic Summer Camp Employees

For academic summer camps, individuals will be hired as a Merit temporary employee or as a student employee if they are enrolled as a UNI student.  Current Faculty and Staff will be paid for working at a summer camp through the UNI Works business process. 

Steps to Hire and Pay Summer Camp Staff

  1. As soon as the summer camp hiring need is known, complete and submit a requisition in UNI Works for approval. Once approved, the position will be listed on the UNI Employment Opportunities page and will automatically feed to www.iowajobs.org. Current regulations for federal contractors require all position vacancies lasting at least three (3) days to be listed for at least three (3) full calendar days with the state workforce development office.
  2. Complete the camp spreadsheet with the information of the camp staff to be hired. HRS will use this list to initiate required background checks and to ensure camp staff have completed required new hire paperwork.
  3. After the camp staff is selected, provide the required offer letter for those hired as Merit temporary employees.  The signed offer letters need to be submitted to HRS in order to be imaged to their personnel file.
  4. Ensure that the new camp staff completes new hire paperwork by their first day of employment. Federal regulations require that employees must complete an I-9 no later than their first day of employment and present documentation to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States on or before their third day of employment.


Pay for summer camp staff is based on hours recorded on a weekly timecard for Merit temporary and student employees. 

Pay Schedule

  • Merit temporary employees follow the monthly payroll schedule and are paid on the last working day of each month.
  • Student employees follow the bi-weekly payroll schedule and are paid every other Wednesday.
  • Refer to the payroll period and payday schedule on the Office of Business Operations Payroll Periods and Paydays web page.
  • Faculty and Staff payment requires the UNI Works business process to be submitted and payroll is the last working day of each month

Fringe Benefit Rates

The fringe benefits percentage is applied to based on the applicable employee group. See the Fringe Allocation Rates for additional information. 

Background Checks

UNI Policy 13.21 requires all camp staff, including volunteers, to have passed a criminal background check and a sex offender registry check. HRS recommends an expanded check for staff with responsibilities for overnight camps or with other potential one-on-one interaction with youth. These will be referred to as "Basic" and "Full" camp background check packages. For questions about background checks for camp staff, see the contacts listed in right margin of this page.

Quick Tips

  • Employment must be coordinated through Human Resource Services.
  • Ensure that the new hire completes new hire paperwork in UNI Works by their first day of employment. Federal regulations require that employees must complete an I-9 no later than their first day of employment and must present acceptable documentation to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States, in person, by their third day of employment. This should be done in the Human Resource Services office located at 027 Gilchrist.
  • Supervisors should review UNI Policy 4.03 - Conflict of Interest in Employment and not knowingly make a hire that could create a real or perceived conflict of interest.

Contact Information

Scott Klahsen
Faculty & Merit Employment Coordinator
(319) 273-6110