Staff Search Process: Stage 2 - Evaluation


The search process for Merit and P&S staff is a collaborative effort designed to identify and match highly qualified professionals with an advertised vacancy. Led by a hiring official/search admin or a search chair and search committee, candidate evaluation and selection is guided by the HRS employment team.

Step 5: Prepare for Candidate Evaluation

Responsibility: When no search committee is utilized: Hiring Official (Designated as Search Chair in UNI Works) and position’s manager, if different

During the recruitment window:

  • Complete search training. Sessions are available both in-person and via zoom. HRS will send registration information directly to search chairs and committee members.
  • Review the expectations of confidentiality for the sake of the candidates as well as to maintain the integrity of the search process.
    • The search chair or hiring official is responsible to administer the confidentiality agreement to all individuals involved in the search process. The signed agreement must be maintained with the search records for three years.
  • Review the position description and position qualifications. If qualifications allow for a degree in a "related field," determine what related fields would qualify.
  • Consider developing a scoring key to help in the evaluation of the application materials. View the Resume Scoring Sample.
  • Additional responsibilities when a search committee is utilized:
    • Meet with the Director/Department Head regarding the role and expectations of the Search Chair and/or search committee.
    • If applicable, assign extra roles and responsibilities to search committee members. Some examples might be note-taker, campus interview scheduler, etc.

Step 6: Manage Candidate Pool

Responsibility: Search Chair

  • Candidates will apply on-line in UNI Works once the requisition is fully approved and the posting is live.
  • For Merit and P&S positions, HRS will complete and initial review and move candidates that meet the required qualifications forward to the Committee Review step.
  • The Search Chair and/or search committee may choose to conduct phone screens to further determine if candidates meet all advertised qualifications or to aid in narrowing down the candidate pool. Use the Phone Screen Template if you elect to conduct phone screens. Move selected candidates to the Phone Screen step.
  • Determine who will be selected for an interview based on the candidate’s qualifications and results of phone screen (if applicable). Pre-approval is not needed for interviews. Contact selected candidate to confirm interview date and then move selected candidates to the Interview step. 
    • A task will be routed to the search chair to schedule the interview and select the interview team. Completing the Schedule Interview task initiates the following:
      • Sends a request to candidate(s) to provide references. When they complete the questionnaire, the results will display on the Questionnaire Results tab of the candidate record. 
      • Launches "Rate Interview" task for interview team to provide feedback.
      • Launches "Make Interview Decision" task for the Search Administrator. Enables the Search Administrator to move candidate to offer or decline candidate.

Step 7: Interview and Rate Interview

Responsibility: Search Chair & Interview Team

  • Develop an interview evaluation form. An evaluation form focuses the evaluation on how well the candidate's knowledge, experience, skills, and abilities match specific job-related criteria; provides an objective means of selecting the best candidate for the position; and provides documentation to justify your hiring decision.
  • Develop interview questions. Keep the interview questions structured, job related, and behavior based.
  • Sample interview evaluations and interview questions can be found on the Hiring Non-Temporary Merit and P&S Employees webpage.
    • Note: The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) prohibits employers from asking for or obtaining information about a person's genetic information or personal family medical history. Interviewers should avoid asking about or discussing these topics with employment candidates.
  • Each interviewer will receive the Rate Interview task to provide feedback on whether or not they recommend hiring the candidate. The feedback submitted by each interviewer will be visible to the Recruiter, Search Chair, and Search Admin.

Contact Information

Melissa Engdahl
P&S Employment Coordinator
(319) 273-6300

Scott Klahsen
Faculty & Merit Employment Coordinator
(319) 273-6110