I am Adopting a Child
A Qualified Life Event - Information and Support for Faculty and Staff
Adopting a child allows you to make changes to your insurance plans as it is a qualified life event. This page offers a summary of information and resources available to employees preparing to adopt a child.
Paid Time Off and Leave
Adoption Time Off
Staff may use up to 40 hours of sick time off, or a pro-rated part time equivalent, when adopting a child. This time off should be submitted through an absence request in UNI Works by selecting Time Off > Sick > Adoption. Additional time off needed for adoption may be requested in UNI Works as Time Off > Family Caregiving (depending on available balances) and/or Time Off > Vacation.
Faculty may use up to 15 days of sick time off per academic year when adopting a child. This time off should be submitted through an absence request in UNI Works by electing Time Off > Family Caregiving. Note: Faculty do not accrue vacation.
Adoption Leave
Employees eligible for FMLA leave entitlement may take up to 12 weeks of leave for placement of a child in the home for adoption or foster care within 12 months from the date of placement. Leave may be taken before the actual placement of a child in your home if an absence from work is required in order for the placement to proceed.
Faculty may be granted an unpaid leave of absence when becoming a parent through adoption of a child less than 13 years of age. To be eligible for this leave, a faculty member must provide 60 calendar days written notice. See the Faculty Handbook for further details.
Questions regarding time off and leave for adoption may be directed to the Leave and Accommodations Coordinator at hrs-leaves@uni.edu or 319-273-1614.
Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance
You can enroll in coverage or add dependents to your health, dental, or vision insurance within 60 calendar days of having a baby. You also have the option to change from one plan option to another, or change plans all together. If you do complete a midyear change in plans, any deductible amount or amount towards your maximum out-of-pocket will transfer to your new plan. Coverage will be effective the date in which the baby is born. If making a plan change or enrolling for the first time, the coverage for the employee and any other covered family members will be the first of the month after the baby was born. Any other changes to your plan must be made during the open enrollment period.
Pregnancy Support
For pregnant women covered on one of UNI's health insurance plans, Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers a free Pregnancy Support Program. Among the services offered is one-on-one support from an Advanced Care Nurse that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 800-552-39930 ext. 3727 to request a call from an Advanced Care Nurse.
Additional Free Teeth Cleaning
Pregnant women on UNI's dental plan are eligible for one additional free teeth cleaning through Delta Dental’s Enhanced Benefits. An additional teeth cleaning provides benefits to both the baby and the mother.
Preventive Eye Exam
Vision changes are common when pregnant, please remember that if you are covered on one of UNI’s health insurance plans that you receive one covered eye exam per calendar year.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
You can change or enroll in an FSA due to a qualifying life event. Your deductions will start the month after the election is made but you are able to submit for reimbursement for claims from the date the child is adopted.
Voluntary Term Life (VTL) Insurance
Eligible employees can elect/increase/decrease or de-enroll from voluntary term life for themselves, their spouse or their children due to the adoption of a child. The premium for VTL includes accidental death and dismemberment insurance and can be calculated for each coverage amount by viewing page four of the Group Voluntary Term Life Coverage document. If elected, coverage for the baby will begin the day they are born.
If you need to update your life insurance beneficiaries due to a qualifying life event, please use the UNI Works System.
For IPERS beneficiaries, please log into the IPERS website to update.
To update your TIAA beneficiaries, please log onto the TIAA website to update.
Verifying Dependents
Effective July 1, 2024, due to a recent audit, all employees having a qualified life event and making any changes to their family health and/or dental coverage must verify all dependent relationships by providing corresponding legal documentation.
Examples of documentation:
- Spouse - marriage certificate, common law spouse affidavit
- Domestic Partner - notarized domestic partner affidavit
- Child - birth certificate which includes parents names, adoption paperwork, court order, or guardianship paperwork
Since this impacts all life events, including open enrollment, we are notifying employees now so documentation can be easily provided when required. At the time of your life event, you can securely upload to UNI Works or bring into the Human Resource Office at Gilchrist 025. All documentation needs to be viewed by HRS staff, but no documentation will be retained after the initial review (i.e., if provided electronically, it will be purged). Do not send any personal documents through email as this is not secure.
Stress, Mental Health, and Grief Services
Many of us can face challenges every day that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions. Visit our Stress, Mental Health, and Grief Services webpage for services that may be useful to you and/or your family.
UNI Child Development Center
The UNI Child Development Center (CDC) is a child care and instruction resource for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Northern Iowa located in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The CDC is a part of the College of Education.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The university's EAP program is administered by Employee and Family Resources and provides several resources on how to find care, as well as how to choose care for your child/ren. Our EAP can provide a personalized search and referrals. Employees are able to work with a Work-Life Consultant that will conduct a search in the requested area for child care providers that meet the criteria requested. Employees will receive a personalized report based on the search results. For further assistance call EAP at 800-327-4692.
Iowa Child Care Resource & Referral (Iowa CCR&R)
If you are needing child care outside of your home, Iowa CCR&R is a free local program that will work with families to find licensed child care. This program provides families with information to make informed choices and refers families to child care providers that are most likely to meet their specific needs.
The Parent Referral Hotline (855-244-5301) connects you with a specialist to offer referrals for in home child care or daycare centers.
Tax Information
You may also need to update your tax information. This can be done by logging into UNI Works, selecting Benefits and Pay from the Menu, Pay, then Tax.
When You Can Make Changes to Your Benefits
Annual Open Enrollment
If you do not make any changes during open enrollment your coverage selection will remain the same.
Qualifying Life Event
You may also enroll, waive, or change your coverage selection based on a qualifying life event.
How to Make Changes to Your Benefits
UNI Works
UNI Works is designed to help you enroll, make changes, and view your current benefit elections, dependents and beneficiaries all in one location. When logging into UNI Works, select Benefits and Pay from the Main Menu.
Frequently Asked Questions
Wherever conflicts occur between the contents of this site and the contracts, rules, regulations, or laws governing the administration of the various programs, the terms set forth in the various program contracts, rules, regulations, or laws shall prevail. Space does not permit listing all limitations and exclusions that apply to each plan. Before using your benefits, review the plan's coverage manual. Benefits provided can be changed at any time without the consent of participants.