What Happens When...
- I am Newly Hired
- I am Experiencing a Life Event
- I am Turning 65
- My Spouse is Turning 65
- I Need to Take a Leave
- I am Having a Baby
- I am Adopting a Child
- I am Getting Married, Declaring a Domestic Partnership or Common Law Union
- My Spouse/Dependent is Changing or Losing Coverage
- My Dependent Care Costs Have Changed
- My Child is Graduating College, or turning 26
- A UNI Employee Passes Away
- A Spouse or Dependent Passes
- I Am Moving Outside of the Area
- During Open Enrollment
- My Employment is Ending
- I Need an Insurance Card Now
Wherever conflicts occur between the contents of this site and the contracts, rules, regulations, or laws governing the administration of the various programs, the terms set forth in the various program contracts, rules, regulations, or laws shall prevail. Space does not permit listing all limitations and exclusions that apply to each plan. Before using your benefits, review the plan's coverage manual. Benefits provided can be changed at any time without the consent of participants.