Human Resource Services

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The Merit employment group includes both organized positions (covered by a labor union contract) and non-organized positions (not covered by a labor union contract). All Merit positions are non-exempt, which means employees in those positions are eligible to receive overtime pay (or compensatory/comp time) at 1.5 times their regular rate for hours worked over 40 in a workweek.

Merit AFSCME Employees

Organized Merit positions are represented by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) labor union and include blue collar, clerical, security and technical classifications. The AFSCME contract covers base wages for these organized Merit positions in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 20. Terms of employment beyond base wages are based upon the Iowa Board of Regents Merit System Rules.

Certain public safety positions, such as Police Officers, are covered by the same AFSCME labor union, but as part of a separate public safety bargaining unit. The public safety contract covers wages and other terms of employment. Additional terms of employment not identified in the public safety contract are based upon the Iowa Board of Regents Merit System Rules.

Further terms of employment beyond the relevant contract and merit system rules may be found in applicable UNI Policies and Procedures.

Merit Supervisory & Confidential Employees

Merit Supervisory positions include supervisory responsibilities over other Merit AFSCME employees and, therefore, are exempted from organizing under Iowa Code Chapter 20.

Merit Confidential positions are designated clerical positions where the nature of their responsibilities, as defined by Iowa Code Chapter 20, prohibits them from organizing.

Merit Supervisory & Confidential employees are not covered by contracts negotiated between the State of Iowa and AFSCME. The Iowa Board of Regents Merit System Rules govern terms of employment for these positions. Additional terms of employment beyond the merit system rules may be found in applicable UNI Policies and Procedures.

Human Resource Services

Springtime and the front entrance of Gilchrist Hall

027 Gilchrist Hall
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0034
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

319-273-2422 Phone
319-273-2927 Fax