Human Resource Services

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  • May 2022

May 2022

Employee Benefits & Well-Being

Human Resource Services


In This Issue

  • Stress, Mental Health and Grief Services

  • Emergency Fund

  • Stroke Awareness

  • Mental Health Awareness

  • Upcoming Sessions and Webinars You Don't Want to Miss

  • Who’s Retiring This Month?

Contact Us

If you still have a question after reading this newsletter or visiting our website, please contact us.

Own Your Benefits

Stress, Mental Health and Grief Services

There are several supporting services for those experiencing stress, grief or struggling with their mental health. Many of these services are free and are provided by both UNI benefit vendors and different agencies in the Cedar Valley. Please visit the Stress, Mental Health, and Grief Services webpage for more information.

Financial Wellness

Save for a Rainy Day

Are you saving for a rainy day? As we know from spring in Iowa, rainy days will happen and they can’t always be predicted. Having a rainy day fund or emergency fund is a key part of financial security and will help you stay on track toward other goals like retirement. Not sure how to get started? Power Pay is a free resource with tips, calculators, and tools to help you reduce debt and save more. Then when it rains you’ll be covered!

My Well-being

Remember to Act F.A.S.T.

May is National Stroke Awareness Month. If you notice someone showing signs of a stroke, time is of the essence. Use the letters to spot a stroke and act F.A.S.T.

F = Face Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person's smile uneven?

A = Arm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

S = Speech Difficulty – Is speech slurred?

T = Time to call 911

While some risk factors for stroke are genetic, there are factors you can control to reduce your risk. If you smoke or use tobacco products, quit today. UNI Employee Well-being has free resources to help employees quit. 

If you have diabetes, maintaining a healthy blood sugar is important. If you are overweight, getting to and maintaining a healthy weight will help reduce your stroke risk along with other health risks. UNI Employee Well-being provides Free WW to assist employees with a healthy diet, including those with diabetes and all to maintain a healthy weight. 

Maintaining a healthy blood pressure and healthy cholesterol levels will also help you reduce your risk. UNI Employee Well-being provides free annual Confidential Biometric Screenings which include cholesterol level readings, blood pressure readings, and many other tests so you can know your health numbers.

Stay well with the help of UNI Employee Well-being

Employee Assistance Program

Help End the Stigma

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental illness can impact anyone regardless of your age, gender, socioeconomic status, or ethnicity. It does not discriminate. It is important we all take care of our mental health including managing stress and emotions. If you or a family member is experiencing a life challenge it can be helpful to seek counseling. EAP provides up to six sessions, per issue, per year for in person or virtual counseling, for eligible employees and family members. Call 855-784-2057 to get started today.

Upcoming Events


Preparing for Financial Emergencies

Human Resource Services will host an informational session on preparing for financial emergencies. Learn how saving and planning ahead can assist in keeping you on a financial track when an emergency arises. Learn strategies to find gaps in your budget to allow you to save more. This session will be led by Guidance Resources®, and take place on May 4 at 10 a.m., via Webcast. Please register in advance. 


Retirement Strategies for Women

Human Resource Services will host a session providing retirement strategies for women. Women face unique challenges when it comes to preparing financially to retire. Learn ways to save and invest to prepare for retirement. Strategies will be provided for women at all ages of saving. Pam Corrick, Financial Adviser with AIG, will lead this one hour session on May 17 at 10 a.m. Join in person in Gilchrist 009 or via Zoom. Please register in advance.


Managing Worry and Anxiety

Human Resource Services will host an informational session on managing worry and anxiety. Worry and anxiety is something that everyone experiences in their life. Managing them is important in maintaining mental and physical health. This session will be led by Guidance Resources®, and take place on May 25 at 10 a.m., via Webcast. Please register in advance.

Participation in events that occur during scheduled working hours must be approved by your supervisor. Employees on a university-approved leave should contact for approval. Stay up-to-date with the status of this session by visiting If the status of this session changes you will also be notified by UNI email or campus phone. Individuals needing an accommodation in order to participate in an event, please contact a HRS team member at 319-273-2954, or, at least one week prior to the event.


TIAA May Financial Wellness Webinars

  • May 11  |  11 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST
    The Starting Line: Beginning to Save for Retirement
  • May 11  |  2 to 3 p.m. CST
    The Power of Savings
  • May 12  |  11 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST
    Estate Planning Considerations
  • May 12  |  2 to 3 p.m. CST
    Lifetime Income: Marketproof Your Retirement
  • May 18  |  2 to 3 p.m. CST
    The New Nest Egg: Why an HSA Can Be an Important Component to Your Retirement Savings Strategy
  • May 24  |  11 a.m. to 12 p.m. CST
    Opening Doors to the Future - Save in a 529 College Savings Plan

TIAA webinars are open to all employees. To register:

Times through the webinar link will be shown in Eastern Standard Time.


IPERS May Retirement Webinars

  • May 17 | 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST
    Creating a Secure Retirement
  • May 19 | 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. CST
    Ready, Set, Retire

IPERS webinars are for state of Iowa employees within five years of retirement and their spouses. To register:

Recognizing Our Retirees

We are thankful for the service of all of UNI's retirees! With their consent we are able to celebrate their years of service and share their information with the entire campus community.

Debbie Hepler

Cook I, Piazza

20 Years of Service, Retiring in May

Nancy Klodt

Cook I, Rialto

26 Years of Service, Retiring in May

Steven Pavelec

Construction Project Manager, Design & Construction

23 Years of Service, Retiring in May


Retirement Readiness

Retirement Benefit Questions? The HRS Benefits Team is Here to Assist!

The Human Resource Services Benefits Team is continuing to help employees with retirement benefit questions. If you plan to retire in 2022 please email or call 319-273-2423. For additional information on retirement visit Retire from UNI: Next Steps.

Coming In June

June 2022 Calendar
Stay Up-to-Date with HRS Events

Plan on attending an upcoming Human Resource Services (HRS) sponsored event? Please visit the HRS event status webpage to view if the event is on-time, postponed, rescheduled, or canceled. Registered participants will also receive an email from HRS notifying that an event status has changed.

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Login to MyUNIverse > My Page > Update My Personal Information. This information is sent to Human Resource Services and will be updated within four working days.